Faith Tabernacle nc
Living in the Revelation of The Last Day Message

About Us...
We are a small portion of God's international bride. Located in Lincolnton, North Carolina, USA. We have members from literally around the world. Many nationalities are represented here, and many believers from other countries are a part of this fellowship.
We believe the Bible in its entirety. A book that wasn't truly understood until God sent His prophet, William Marrion Branham, in these last days. A ministry that the world has not seen since our Lord Jesus Christ walked this earth. Not only was the Bible explained and understood through this ministry, but then God brought forth Mysteries that wasn't known since the foundation of the world. We know through the prophet messenger that God has been unfolding himself since the Logos came out of the Father in eternity.
Our desire is to be living sacrifices, so that He can manifest Himself in veils of flesh. For there is no other worthy of our time, our worship or our breath. Truly, He is Lord.